crafting w/ my son: craft blog or his blog?
we had a rough morning so i decided to try a new special craft w/ him, sewing! he's 3 and loves arts and crafts, and also longs to do the grown-up crafts mommy does; sewing, knitting, crocheting.
often when i'm sewing, i'll get out his lace cards so he can pretend to sew. but today we went for the real deal.
i thought a simple patch that i could sew onto an item of his clothing would be just the thing. we dug through my scraps. he chose a triangle of owls on a square of orange spiderwebs, and black embroidery floss.
he decided where he wanted the triangle, and helped me pin it. then he got to work sewing, with some direction and a few suggestions from me.
eamon placed the patch on the back of this yard sale jean jacket we had previously dyed purple
here's the finished product after i sewed it on (eamon picked the stitch)
i also straight stitched the triangle on just to make sure it held
i also straight stitched the triangle on just to make sure it held