Saturday, July 16, 2011

victorian shirt dress

 i don't know about you, but if i get stuck and loose momentum on a project it can be many months before i pick it up again and finish it.

all the chilly weather we've been having inspired me to finally deal with the collar i was having trouble with, and add the pearl snaps to this figure flattering shirt dress. a prototype for what i hope will become a mainstay of the elzzadoll line.
i designed it after falling in love with the tailoring of the Victorian jacket i made at halloween from a "Truly Victorian" pattern.
 i played with western shirt style cuffs, and plan to add yoke details to future shirt dresses
photo credit to my amazing 5 yr old, my go to fashion photographer

the maiabella holster

introducing the original maiabella holster!
commissioned by my bestfriend looking for more comfortable 
weight distribution than a purse after a back injury
this 5 pocketed, reversible friend will soon be available to the general public
a comfy way to keep your necessities close at hand at outdoor festivals, night clubs, 
or whenever you don't want a big heavy bag

look for them soon on etsy, or contact me for a custom built bag

Saturday, July 9, 2011

new ideas

I'm working on some new items for summer, great for festivals, faires, or burning the man:
faerie headbands and recycled t-shirt gypsy fingerless gloves
available now on etsy

check back for more soon